Simulation Technology

Optimize design, operations, and management of the production and processing facilities to maximize profits, reduce risks, improve energy efficiency, and reduce carbon footprint. The KBC simulation software provides an integrated modeling and simulation platform to rigorously represent the entire producing and processing asset in full detail, allowing engineers of different disciplines to make informed decisions faster and more effectively.

Blue and Black technology background circuit board

A Integrated Process, Production and Energy Digital Twin

The difficulties of accurately modeling an asset may induce the adoption of excessive design margins and inadequate operational strategies, affecting the economics of the project. This causes inefficiencies and may have catastrophic consequences when risks are not evaluated holistically and the mitigation strategy is not selected appropriately.

The KBC modeling suite provides an integrated software platform that can accurately represent the facilities across processes and different verticals, to provide a full-stream process and production modeling digital twin with an appropriate level of detail with consistent and rigorous fluid modeling. This enables engineers from different disciplines to obtain valuable insights, from offshore platform and subsea production and processing, to refinery and petrochemical planning and operations and asset management. This allows optimal design and management of the facilities to maximize profitability and reduce risks and emissions.

Optimize Design and Operations with KBC Simulation Software

Optimize design and operations. Manage the production and processing facilities to maximize profits, reduce risks, improve energy efficiency, and reduce carbon footprint. From early stages of design to real time monitoring and optimization throughout the lifecycle of the asset.

Process Simulation

Model oil and gas production and processing, refineries, petrochemicals and polymer processes in full and high accuracy from design through operations management, real-time optimization and OTS. Maximize profits, improve safety and reduce carbon footprint.

Find out about Petro-SIM

Refinery Reactors

Sustain and improve the profitability of your refinery or petrochemical plant with KBC's best-in-class models of your reactors and process units. Use advanced analytics and AI/ML to improve your planning and operations. De-risk your investment and improve safety on your journey towards net zero.

Find out about Reactor Suite

Advanced Thermodynamics

Reduce uncertainty and optimize production and processing with accurate and consistent fluid modeling and physical property prediction. From design to operations across all disciplines. Mitigate the risks associated with flow assurance, asset integrity, accurate feedstock to product composition and yield to maximize profits, minimize emissions and operate safely.

Find out about Multiflash

Integrated Production Modeling

Maximize your asset potential and mitigate risks of flow assurance, corrosion and erosion through the life of the field with a truly integrated production modeling (IPM) tool, capable of simulating in full compositional detail the entire oil and gas supply chain, from the reservoir (including CCUS) to customer.

Find out about Maximus

Wax Deposition

Mitigate the risks of flow assurance through accurate predictions of wax deposition in production facilities and transport lines, off- or on-shore. Achieve a better estimate of CAPEX, OPEX and chemical usage through the life of the field and improve the economics of your project while operating safely, optimally and protecting your asset.

Find out more about FloWax

Visual MESA Suite

The Visual MESA® suite consists of three products. The energy management software enables operating companies to monitor and optimize their energy consumption to reduce emissions. Production accounting enables process sites to implement an accounting system for emissions monitoring and auditable reporting. The scheduling tool enables the identification of the optimal feasible schedule and incorporates the latest optimization techniques.

Find out more about Visual MESA