
FloWax® is a powerful and accurate modeling tool for simulating and predicting wax deposits along pipelines. FloWax conjugates the most reliable and advanced thermodynamic wax precipitation model, with the fastest and most versatile thermo-hydraulics and network simulation technology, to enhance the capability of engineers to optimize the design and operations of the facilities to maximize production and assess the risks to the flow.

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Pipeline in the desert

Wax Deposition Risk Assessment That Really Matters

Inaccurate assessment of the risks associated with wax deposition in pipelines may lead to excessive CAPEX and OPEX for over-conservative design or operational solutions or catastrophic failures with blockages and production losses.

With FloWax, engineers can make wax risk assessment directly at the heart of the transport and processing facilities model, where flow assurance issues may occur in reality and where the best solution and the most value lie, avoiding over-conservative approaches that may jeopardize the economics of the project while operating safely.

FloWax Modeling and Prediction of Wax Deposition Benefits

Production and Transport

FloWax allows modeling the wax deposition directly from within the network model, making it possible to estimate the effect of the deposit and/or the proposed mitigation strategy, over the whole asset, rather than offline.


FloWax runs all the sensitivity cases simultaneously, storing all the results to allow comparing the effect of changing some of the relevant parameters or the pipeline configuration to elaborate the best mitigation strategy.

Field Planning

FloWax runs simulations of the network across the whole life of the asset and during shutdown periods, allowing it to pinpoint the periods and the areas of the plant in which wax may indeed deposit, and assess the real risk, avoiding excessively conservative “worst-case scenarios”.

Open Interface

You can set up and run the simulation directly from the interface or a spreadsheet, on desktop or cloud. The model can be adjusted, tuned and re-run during production, with minimum intervention by engineers in operations. Finally, retrieve the results and integrate them on an operating dashboard or as part of a custom workflow.


Modeling tool for the simulation and prediction of wax deposits along pipelines.

Offshore construction platform

The Importance of Life of Field in Flow Assurance 

Wax accumulation is a serious threat to production and processing facilities. Wax can deposit along the pipelines or in vessels that obstruct the flow and ultimately damage operations. You will learn in this webinar how to prevent and manage the risk of wax precipitation and deposition.

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Alessandro Speranza - Profile Picture

Alessandro Speranza

Global Portfolio Manager

Our expert on FloWax

"FloWax was initially created on the explicit request of oil operators, already keen on the accuracy of Multiflash® wax thermodynamics, who believed that existing simulators did not provide sufficiently reliable predictions of wax deposition. After the acquisition of Maximus®, we saw the enormous potential of integrating our accurate wax deposition model into Maximus to provide engineers with a true end-to-end flow assurance and production modeling solution capable of simulating the entire asset to rapidly assess risks to the flow and elaborate the best design and strategy to maximize its potential. The seamless integration of fast and reliable compositional multi-phase flows with mechanistic wax deposition modeling, based on accurate thermodynamics predictions, provide a truly unique product, capable of supporting engineers with fast and accurate predictions for well-informed decision-making in design and operations."

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