Value Chain Optimization Technology

The inherent complexity of industrial operations, the difficulty of modeling process units, the logistics, the optimization of feedstock and product blending, the combination of paper and physical accounting requirements, and the natural different models’ granularities for serving different purposes, among others, make production planning, scheduling and accounting extremely challenging processes.

Smart factory and enterprise IoT icon concept
Refinery 4.0 Industrial technology concept

Supply Chain Real-time Optimization

KBC conceives the digital transformation of the value chain as an enabler for new ways of working with supply chain partners and new ways of managing and optimizing supply chain and asset operations. This transformation allows real-time optimization of the entire supply chain. Companies that take this opportunity for transformation most quickly will have a strategic competitive advantage over competitors resulting in significantly higher returns to stakeholders.

Recent developments in KBC's technology support the digital transformation of the value chain by enabling new business models, better optimization, more agility, and better execution of plans.

Production Accounting

Visual MESA® Production Accounting software is the most advanced solution for production accounting, balance, and data reconciliation applications. For over 20 years, our production accounting software has been the most widely used technology in Latin America, with continuous worldwide growth.

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Supply Chain Scheduling

Visual MESA Supply Chain Scheduling software is a fully integrated supply chain scheduling tool that synchronizes system-wide operations. Companies operating in complex hydrocarbon supply chains, such as refineries and petrochemical plants, can produce longer and more stable processes to optimize profitability, product quality, and business opportunities.

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Scheduling and accounting integrated workflow diagram

Value Chain Optimization Through Production Accounting and Scheduling Integration

Monroe Energy's Trainer Refinery has multiple users in different locations entering information into their systems. This article looks at the benefits of a combined implementation of Visual MESA Production Accounting and Supply Chain Scheduling systems at Monroe Trainer facility, Philadelphia, USA. In addition, it describes some of the most challenging aspects of the system implementation.

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