You can spend a lot of effort optimizing operating margins but what are the key vulnerabilities that can be catastrophic to the business? Digitalization and re-thinking processes creates an opportunity to transform the business and associated business outcomes. Co-locating operations functions and the knowledge of people, whilst exploiting advancements in technology, allows an enterprise to make a step change.
The industry as a whole has made big improvements to address risk, but there is no room for complacency and the question is always “Are we doing enough?”. Distancing people from the asset can increase safety, but the full value is not just about moving a control room 2, 5 or 20 miles away; it is about enabling all operations to have direct input and benefit from the collective optimization of the business. Remote Operating Centers (ROCs) benefit safety, and by redesigning the organization around value and knowledge, supported by the application and adoption of technology will capture its full potential. If done correctly ROCs can deliver up to 10-15% increase in net profits.
To reach this next horizon of value, assets must undergo digital process re-engineering, digital reorganization and digital business transformation. A remote operating center is a key step in moving from the current siloed status quo to an enterprise that achieves the agile optimization of fluids, feedstocks and other inputs with products and operations to reflect market demand and prices.
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