
Using Digital Technology for Effective Energy Management

1 hour

Top of every operator’s agenda is to demonstrate carbon reduction and save money with minimal impact to production. Current methods of energy efficiency often lack structured and automated digital technologies to identify and sustain performance improvements, which is exacerbated further by inconsistent data and outdated tools.

Using the results of a recent industry survey conducted by KBC, this webinar will give a holistic view of the downstream oil and gas industry’s current perspective towards site wide energy management, and the associated challenges faced whilst adopting digital technologies.

Join Arjun Balakrishnan, Senior Consultant who will share how to:

  • Kick start initiatives to improve energy management methods and systems in the short, medium and long term
  • Solve energy management visibility, hitting targets and sustaining improvement
  • Formulate a high-level action plan to adopt an effective state of the art digital energy management system
  • Achieve and sustain the highest level of energy efficiency with the digital solution from KBC
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