New Fuels
Demand for energy for motive power and mobile energy sources is projected to rise globally. To meet Net Zero targets, new sources of energy and delivery systems are needed.
Energy consumption is expected to rise both globally and per capita. Meeting the demand for that energy is expected to require significant though declining proportions of petroleum oil and gas. Eliminating Scopes 1 and 2 emissions is, therefore, just the start. What fuels, products and energy sources are needed to meet Net Zero targets of 2050?
Tackling Scope 3 emissions is a major problem. Providing customers with energy not powered by the exothermic oxidation of fossil carbon requires reconfiguring feedstock, products, and whole value chains. For existing and emerging products such as hydrogen, ammonia, sustainable aviation fuels, and renewable diesel, the technology is mature and understood. Where are the feedstocks is a critical question?
KBC was engaged by a refiner to evaluate a proposed new technology for converting sugars as a petroleum feedstock substitute. The valuation covered technology, operating compatibility, and economic considerations. KBC’s analyses provided our client with key benefits and considerations including expected integration problems caused by fouling, large integration capital requirements not considered by the licensor (including hydrogen balance issues), and detailed financial implications.