Cloud Based Equipment Monitoring

The KBC Asset Monitoring Application is a low-cost, subscription-based, cloud service for anomaly event detection for class B industrial rotating equipment assets not already under continuous monitoring.

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Proactively Limit Unexpected Downtime

KBC cloud-based monitoring service works with the Yokogawa Sushi Sensor family of industrial IoT vibration and temperature sensors to monitor rotating equipment.

The Asset Monitoring Application assists operators and engineers in improving the monitoring of assets previously only managed by operator rounds, using only a web browser to securely access that information. Operators are able to detect both event anomalies, and yet-to-occur anomalies, to proactively limit unexpected downtime events.

Why use the KBC Asset Monitoring Application?

Easy Integration IIoT Protocols

Take advantage of the tight integration with the Yokogawa Sushi Sensors, to route your equipment data from device to Gateway and on to the resource stores in the cloud. Easily integrate your IIoT sensors data using industry-standard protocols such as MQTT.

Simplified On-boarding Configuration

Collecting mountains of related meta data does not have to be labor intensive. The simplified approach used by the Yokogawa installation team is an easy-to-use model for meta data collection and feeds directly into the resource information stored in the cloud. Self-service provisioning, after initial onboarding, allows administrators to make adds, changes, or deletions right from within the application.

Enterprise Level Security

Industrial applications require industrial enterprise-level security. Customer data is protected behind high cypher AES keys that are unique to each device. Hardware and software encryption meet the high standards you have come to expect from Yokogawa. Platform security also meets the standards of care including K8s Security, ISO 27001, PCI DSS 3.2.1 and SOC TSP.

Web & Mobile Access

Built using modern web-based responsive design, the single interface is able to flex and reposition itself to the different aspect ratios of varied devices from the desktop PC, to tablets, to smartphones. Access the application using modern browsers from Google Chrome to Microsoft Edge.

Role Based Permissions

Access to plant-based information is controlled by the administrative users through role assignments. Only authorized users have access to the equipment and sensors existing at specific plant facilities.

Simplified, Proactive Monitoring of Pumps, Fans and Compressors

Equipment Type Context Resource Models
Real Time Event Notification
Industry and Custom Specification Limits
Peer Analysis Comparisons and Custom Charting
Customizable Data and Image Export
AI Modeling and AI Health Index Scoring
Integrated Help System Information
Asset monitoring subscriber context model

ISA-106 standard physical asset model

The Asset Monitoring Application follows an ISA-106 model to store information about physical assets from the base deployment of sensors through to the customer meta data information which defines the highest level of context data. Get the advantage of a structured, predictable data model that can commonly be applied across all industrial facilities and associated assets.

Be notified when the anomalies happen

The Asset Monitoring Application empowers registered users to subscribe to the assets of their choice for notifications using either email or SMS text messages. Whenever the asset-designated limits are triggered, subscribed users will be updated using SMS Text or email messaging.

Equipment-specific limit setting

Multiple methods are available for administrative users to set the operating envelope surrounding the measured vibration and temperature parameters reporting from the Sushi Sensors. Settings include industry standard ISO 10816-1 vibration limits, past history analytics-based dynamic R24 method and the ability for experienced operators to custom set their own values.

Advanced comparative analytic tools

The Asset Monitoring Application is able to provide peer equipment groups for comparative analysis and personalized charting of similar variables across equipment and even across facilities.

Get chart images and data exports the way you need 

Export any chart image in PNG or SVG format, or decide to export the data points included in your chart as a Microsoft Excel document.

Included artificial intelligence abnormal status prediction and operation change determination

Built-in artificial intelligence helps predict abnormal status using AI Health Scoring against an AI model built by the system across up to 10 days of historical data from each sensor.

Simple to use system with online help

Introductory articles, getting started instructions, and frequently asked questions are all accessible from the standard user interface which makes things easy for the first-time user.

Cloud Based Equipment Monitoring

Eliminate unexpected downtime and achieve safer operations.