KBC (A Yokogawa Company) announces the release of Multiflash® 7.2 PVT and fluid physical properties software used in the energy and chemical industries to reduce operational risk. This new version gives design and operation engineers a single tool to confidently predict the behavior and properties of complex fluids for optimal design and operations.
Operators often carry out fluid modeling and physical properties predictions using inadequate tools, resulting in errors and prediction uncertainty. To compensate for this issue, engineers often add design margins. However, high design margins for equipment sizing increases operational cost while underestimation of the risks may reduce operational capacity, or worse, cause catastrophic equipment failure. The end result is increased costs and suboptimal operations management.
With Multiflash 7.2 technology, engineers from different disciplines no longer need to guess. They now have technology for consistent and accurate fluid properties at every stage of production and processing. Now, engineers can accurately predict fluid phase behavior, spot risks associated with flow and production, and rapidly compare mitigation strategies. By integrating data and model predictions, they can enhance their understanding and gain control of process and design requirements. New enhancements for fluid sample characterization give users more flexibility and application range across disciplines including production, field planning, flow assurance, and process modeling.
The re-development of the software using thread-safe capabilities and the new cloud interface provide engineers with access to a flexible, fast, and integrable tool. They can develop effective solutions for process and production optimization based on accurate thermodynamic and physical properties modeling along with the speed and flexibility offered by new technologies in desktop and cloud computing.
Multiflash 7.2 technology introduces new capabilities for reservoir fluid characterization and PVT modeling. Enhanced import/export capabilities for reservoir, flow assurance, and process simulations provide engineers with a unified environment for fluid modeling. Petroleum and reservoir engineers can now analyze reservoir fluid contamination with oil-based drilling mud, also in partial absence of mud data.
“The quality of flow assurance predictions that Multiflash 7.2 technology provides has no equal in the industry,” stated Alessandro Speranza, KBC Multiflash Product Manager. “Using a common fluid model across disciplines avoids inconsistencies and misunderstandings. This results in better-informed decision making and simplification of workflows. Users can spot problems early on with better results in design and operations. Operators see the results with significant improvements in asset performance and/or cost reductions.”
To find out more about Multiflash technology, please contact us.